Our vision is to create a world where black and brown girls are free from self-harm and suicide.
Connect with usTo create a continuum of services that empowers black and brown girls to take ownership over their lives by cultivating well connected communities where mental well-being is prioritized, support systems are robust, and every person has access to the resources they need to thrive emotionally and mentally.
At the Life I Love School, we bring girls together and empower them to have ownership over their well-being. We equip them with stress management tools grounded in social prescriptions: movement, nature, art, belonging and service.
LiL Wellness ProgramBlack and brown girls face higher exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), often living in under-resourced neighborhoods that contribute to toxic stress.
The CDC reports that this exposure, coupled with violence and trauma in their communities, significantly impacts their mental health, leading to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Despite these challenges, they often lack access to essential services, further hindering their academic and personal development.
We reach girls at the earliest stages of the suicide process, teaching them vital skills to manage stress before it escalates. Our preventative approach equips them with the tools they need to cope with life's stressors, transforming their futures and keeping them from progressing into crisis.
have at least one depressive
episode by age 18.
have seriously considered suicide.
will experience anxiety
disorder at some point
in their lives.
Through our programs, we empower girls to manage their stress using social prescriptions grounded in movement, nature, art, belonging, and service.
Our engaging, hands-on workshops and retreats help girls integrate these practices into their daily lives, fostering confidence and connection.